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We Now Stock all Sizes of Crape Myrtles including
Trees, Dwarfs, Semi-Dwarfs, and our New Patented True Miniatures.


LtRedCluster1.jpg (35241 bytes)Flower Cluster of Variety 'Delta Blush'










If Crape Myrtles Helped Make Martha Stewart a Billionaire
then Think What They Might Do For You  !


Growing Instructions

Planting: Crape Myrtles should be spaced 18" apart in the landscape. For a Full Whiskey Barrel or 16" Pot use 3-4 plants per container.

Light: Crape Myrtles grow best in full  to partial sun anywhere in the U.S. 

Soil Type: They will grow in any soil type. If you grow them in a pot, hanging basket, or whiskey barrel use a peat moss based commercial potting mix.

Watering: Crape Myrtles  do well in any moisture situation 

Fertilizing: Fertilize crape myrtles during the growing season with any of the water soluble fertilizers such as Peters or Miracle Grow. About every 2 weeks works well. Osmocote type fertilizers also work well.

Blooming: Crape Myrtles flower on "new" growth so even the smallest plants  flower the first season you get them.

Pests: The plants are  insect and disease resistant hybrids. Occasionally you will see aphids. 

Pruning: The plants are very self-branching with a tremendous amount of  New Growth so you will see many thousands of flowers each season.

Where to Use Plants: In Landscapes, as Border Plantings around buildings for summer color or as mass Ground Cover plantings. In Containers, they make excellent Hanging Baskets(10" to 12" Baskets or larger fiber baskets), excellent containers in large clay or plastic pots, or put several in a half whiskey barrel for a traffic stopping accent  plant.